Occupational Health Care

MEDICONET OHC Slovakia s.r.o. provides, on the basis of the authorization issued by the Office of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic No. OPPL-9536/2008-Oj of 8.1.2009, a working health service for employees who perform works classified in categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 in accordance with the Act No. 355/2007 Collection of Laws on protection, promotion and development of public health and on amendments to certain acts as amended.
Occupational health care is a professional advisory service for the employer in the field of occupational health protection. In order to achieve the best possible health status of employees, it assists the employer in creating a healthy working environment. The task of the occupational health care is to ensure primary prevention, i.e. prevention of health damage related to the performance of work.
The aim of the occupational health care is to maintain the longest possible working capacity of employees while maintaining the highest possible quality of life. The occupational health care includes the following services: supervision of the working environment - professional and specialized activities relating to the working environment, working conditions and how work is carried out in terms of health impact, supervision of the health of employees - medical preventive examinations in connection with the performance of work.